Meet Our TeaM. see Our Work.

Robert Simpson
President & Chief Executive Officer
Rob's reflections
Communities across the country, including Central New York, are being confronted anew by their own histories of racial injustice and facing increased pressure to tackle these glaring social and economic issues head-on. As an organization with a guiding vision for our region as a place where business thrives and all people prosper, our strategy to drive social and economic equity requires acting intentionally within our corporate and civic leadership. It requires collective, thoughtful engagement and a commitment to continuous improvement, including examining and enhancing our own organizational structures that support the business community and advance greater opportunity for all.

JuHanna Rogers PH.D (Dr. J)
Senior Vice President of Racial Equity & Social Impact
Dr. J's reflectionS
Stepping up to the moment​
You’ve read the Pledge. Now, you’re wondering what’s next? Or maybe you are not yet feeling truly engaged in this movement, or fully understanding the role it plays in the workplace. Maybe you have more questions than answers and are confused about where to begin.
Take a deep breath.
The role of race in our society and workplace isn’t something we have spoken about often. You may not know what questions to ask as we were taught not to ask questions or engage in conversations about race. Maybe you remember as a child wanting to talk about someone of another race and you were told to be quiet. Your desire to discuss the topic was suppressed. It was taboo. Therefore, we have gone through much of our lives only having surface-level conversations about skin color. You were curious but didn’t have a chance to practice or enhance your skills enough to feel competent in talking about racial differences. Maybe that was a relief, until now.
Our country has rarely engaged in deep discussions about racial differences and how our history doesn’t account for what happened after Emancipation, during Reconstruction, and the Civil Rights Movement. It doesn’t help us process how Blacks were denied the right to vote until 1965, which instilled fear and denied Blacks from full engagement in our community.

Aimee Durfee
Vice President of Workforce Innovation
AImEE's reflections
Adopting a Long-term Workforce Development Strategy
When companies decide they want to diversify their teams or find a pipeline of more diverse talent, there are several important steps to consider. In this piece, we will challenge you to go beyond a short-term, tactical HR approach and to adopt a longer-term framework that emphasizes relationships and investment in talent and culture-building.
We use the term “diverse” to refer to individuals who are underrepresented in a particular company or occupation. This term could refer to Black people; Indigenous people; people of color; women of all races and ethnicities; people with disabilities; LGBTQ people; or other groups...

Jared Shepard
Director of Research and Planning
JarEd's reflections
The Data on Diversity
The world, and the workplace, are changing. The demographic shift that has been underway since the baby boomer generation is leading to the most diverse workplace in history. While 72% of the baby boomers generation are white, that percentage has dropped to only 56% of the 87 million millennials in the U.S. Today’s babies are the first generation in history that is less than 50% white. The post-millennial generation will be the most diverse generation yet, with more pursuing college than their parents as they become the driving force behind the workplace and the U.S. economy.

Kevin Schwab
Vice President of Government Relations
Kevin's reflections
CNY: A Historic Leader for Equity and Human Rights
What do we do now? How can we do better? How can I affect meaningful change? Central New York has prepared for this moment for generations. While it may not be widely appreciated, this region has deep roots in the struggle for America’s democratic ideals, the abolitionist movement, the fight for women’s rights, welcoming refugees from the world’s worst conflicts and as a home to the immigrants who write each succeeding chapter in the continually unfolding story of America and our quest to create a more perfect union.

Kevin Schwab
Vice President of Government Relations
Kevin's reflections
CNY: A Historic Leader for Equity and Human Rights
What do we do now? How can we do better? How can I affect meaningful change? Central New York has prepared for this moment for generations. While it may not be widely appreciated, this region has deep roots in the struggle for America’s democratic ideals, the abolitionist movement, the fight for women’s rights, welcoming refugees from the world’s worst conflicts and as a home to the immigrants who write each succeeding chapter in the continually unfolding story of America and our quest to create a more perfect union.

Kevin Schwab
Vice President of Government Relations
Kevin's reflections
CNY: A Historic Leader for Equity and Human Rights
What do we do now? How can we do better? How can I affect meaningful change? Central New York has prepared for this moment for generations. While it may not be widely appreciated, this region has deep roots in the struggle for America’s democratic ideals, the abolitionist movement, the fight for women’s rights, welcoming refugees from the world’s worst conflicts and as a home to the immigrants who write each succeeding chapter in the continually unfolding story of America and our quest to create a more perfect union.